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Protective barriers - a manifestation equipment | Motortech Consulting d.o.o. Pula

Protective barriers - a manifestation equipment

Protective barriers - a manifestation equipment

We rent a protective fence type F2. Fencing panel dimensions of 345 cm x 200 cm for the limitation of space at events at construction sites and simmilar sites. I is usually fixed by a plastic-concrete weight base and fittings. Panel weight: approx 16 kg.

Resistance burden for testing aggregates

Motortech resistive load bank designed for testing diesel-electric generators under partial and nominal load and checking the capabilities of the aggregates under load, all in accordance with the rules of leading classification societies.

Technical characteristics:
Type: MS110-1266-SIG
Dimensions: Length: 2340 mm; Width: 1540 mm; Height: 2075 mm
Weight: 1420 kg
Resolution: 1

Rated power:

Voltage Frequency Power
(V) (Hz) (kW)
450 60 1266
440 60 1210
415 50 1070
400 50 1000
380 50 900

Portable diesel-electric generators

Portable diesel electric generator of 240 kW

Supersilent: in their own housing
Power output: 240 kW
Ability to work in a network: NO

Portable diesel power unit of 700 kW

Supersilent in their own housing
Power output: 700 kW
Ability to work in a network: YES

Protective barriers - a manifestation equipment

We rent a protective fence type F2. Fencing panel dimensions of 345 cm x 200 cm for the limitation of space at events at construction sites and simmilar sites. I is usually fixed by a plastic-concrete weight base and fittings. Panel weight: approx 16 kg.