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Strategy | Motortech Consulting d.o.o. Pula



The projects developed in our production site are in line with the latest international regulations of world renowned international registries. The ability to fulfill all market demands of stricter regulations for security and ecology at any time, allows us to be competitive on the world market.


Sustainability is one of the components that allows us to develop on a long-time period. We introduce new technologies gradually, cautiously monitoring the current trends and relying on empirical indicators to optimize the use of natural resources. For this purpose, we are developing our own hybrid diesel electric generator to keep pace with the development of the production of environmentally friendly energy sources.


A special care is taken on the careers of our employees and the local community as much as we try to create a responsibility towards nature and the environment for more than 22 years of our business. For this purpose, we classify and separate all kinds of waste generated in the production in order to recover and turn it into a useful energy again. The terms of reference and projects in most cases require special protection measures, either it the power lines and connections either regarding fluids flow safety. In the area of social responsibility, we train our employees to treat each task in accordance with the preservation of the environment.
